Saturday, December 25, 2010

personal injury

personal injury:personal injury-My first lawyer would not subpoena USF & G or Sedgwick CMS, this put me behind in the 8 ball and I had to fill out an Adversary complaint to get a "Lift of Stay" in the Federal Bankruptcy court so that I could sued Consolidated Freightways & Codriver in Federal Court in Los Angeles, Ca. The Bankruptcy judge allows for me to do that, but after substituting in a second lawyer he voluntary dismisses my case. I inform the Bankruptcy judge to immediately have the Attorney General to intervene because my lawyers don't know the laws and continue to be bluff by the FRAUD of defense council forcing me to jump in "pro per " meaning representating myself to save my case with severe injuries. The Bankrutpcy judge ignores my pleas for justice and I also informed him to bring in a forensic auditor to investigate the books.

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Transocean Explosion Lawyer: Update on Limitation ... Transocean just filed official papers in Houston, Texas federal court DENYING ANY RESPONSIBILITY for the Deepwater Horizon explosion, and asking the Houston court to CAP ITS LIABILITY at a figure well below the value of all claims. Transocean's filing has a lot of legal implications as to the claims of the rig workers and their families. Importantly, there is now a MUCH EARLIER DEADLINE TO FILE YOUR LEGAL CLAIM. We encourage all Deepwater Horizon crewmembers and their families to consult with a board certified and qualified maritime attorney, so their legal rights in light of this filing will be protected. At Vujasinovic & Beckcom, our founding partners are Board Certified by the Texas State Bar, a designation held by less than 2% of all attorneys in Texas. We are recognized nationally as experts in maritime law and the Jones Act, and have successfully handled hundreds of offshore injury cases. We are located in downtown Houston, Texas, just blocks from the federal courthouse where the critical battle against Transocean's liability limitation filing will be waged. We have fought limitation proceedings filed by offshore companies many, many times, and we have defeated their claim every time. Transocean has its army of lawyers fighting to protect it from your legitimate claim. Now is the time you should hire a qualified maritime attorney to level the playing field and keep your claim on track. Please contact us for a free review of your ...

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Personal Injury Lawyer Needed When Hurt on the Job

Getting hurt on the job, depending on the type of injury sustained, can affect your earning potential and future prospects for the rest of your life. This is a serious problem that many Americans face every year, and should be taken seriously. Being injured at work is often a sign of negligence on the part of the employer, who could be guilty of harboring unsafe working conditions for his or her employees. There are many possible factors at play, and each should be considered carefully.

If you have sustained a serious injury and can no longer work, an attorney can help you gather the restitution you'll need to support yourself. Settlements from law suits can number in the millions, especially if your injury is permanent and debilitating. An expert in the law can aid you in navigating this process.

While it may be time-consuming and seem to go on forever, eventually you'll be rewarded with fair compensation for your injuries. Your employer may be ordered to pay more than your personal damages - he or she may even have to pay punitive damages. Punitive damages are costs associated with punishment, and are meant to incent the business owner not to make the same costly mistake again.

A simple, short-term injury is still worthy of compensation and fair treatment under the law. Don't assume that because your medical bills were under $1000, you shouldn't worry about reaching out to an experienced lawyer. You should. A lawyer can help you get the money and peace of mind you deserve, no matter how small the amount.

A lawyer will work on your behalf and most importantly, will work tirelessly to make sure this same awful situation doesn't happen to another employee down the road. If you're not thinking of your own appeasement, at least consider the safety of your fellow co-workers.

A work injury constitutes any number of possible scenarios. Perhaps you slipped on a wet floor at work that was unmarked. Perhaps you were never trained to use necessary work equipment safely, and were injured as a result of it.

Maybe your employer simply didn't care enough to provide a safe work environment for his or her employees. Whatever the cause of your injury, you are not at fault and you are entitled to restitution under the law. Seek the help you deserve and hire a lawyer today.

Personal injury lawyer has a strong and unique background for successfully handling personal injury cases in and around the Houston area. To know more, visit

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